Monday, September 19, 2016

We Be All Band 'O Pirates This Day

Ahoy Mateys! Today is International Talk Like A Pirate Day!
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International Talk Like a Pirate Day was founded by John Baur and Mark Summers (two friends from Oregon) back in 1995 and is the only holiday on the calendar that gives everyone around the world the excuse to talk like a pirate the all day long for the sheer fun of it. 

Pirate lingo is rich and complicated, but if you can master a few key phrases, you’ll be able to convince anyone you are a true pirate in the making. 

Ahoy! - Hello or Hi…but can sometimes be used for Goodbye. 

Ahoy, matey or Ahoy, me hearties - Hello, my friend.  

Arrr! - This one is often confused with Arrrgh, which is of course the sound you make when you are displeased with something. Arrr! can mean, “yes”, “I agree”, or “I’m happy".

Avast! - Stop and check this out or pay attention.

Aye! - Yes

Aye aye! - I'll get right on that.

Blimey! - An exclamation of surprise.

Blow me down – Used as an expression of shock or disbelief.

Matey - A way to address someone in a friendly fashion.

Shiver me timbers - Comparable to the expression “Holy cow!” 

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So get out there and celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day or We’ll make ye walk the gangplank, ye sorry swab!


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