Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Mixin' It Up

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Hey Everybody! It's National Trail Mix Day! 
Trail mix is a high energy snack comprised of dried fruits and nuts designed to provide the extra boost you need while hiking the trail. Observed every year on August 31, National Trail Mix Day honors the mix that many of us love so much. Common trail mix ingredients may include nuts, seeds, dried fruit, chocolate, breakfast cereals, banana chips, pretzels, shredded coconut and marshmallows. Trail Mix Day is all about creating good trail mix and testing it out on the road. can buy packages of trail mix at a store. can make up your own, using the ingredients you like best.  
To celebrate the National Trail Mix Day, try out the following trail mix recipe.

Fruit, seeds and nuts mixed together. How can you go wrong? It’s literally “Terrific”.
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1 cup combination diced dried fruit, such as prunes, apricots, pears and apples

1/2 cup raisins and/or dried cherries or cranberries

1 1/2 cups unsalted sunflower seeds

1 cup unsalted dry-roasted peanuts (or honey-roasted peanuts, chopped walnuts or unsalted almonds)

Mix all ingredients together and you’re done. 
Tips: When making your own trail mix, avoid messy items that leave your hands sticky.  Also avoid too many salty items. For example, unsalted nuts is better than salted ones.

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