Thursday, March 30, 2017

More On Damon Braces

Damon braces are a unique type of self-ligating braces that allow you to eliminate the rubber bands that cause so much trouble for traditional braces wearers. These braces use a steady pattern of pressure to correct your teeth, and they can shift your teeth more rapidly than traditional braces can.

The unique design of Damon braces helps to reduce the buildup of food particles and debris that can tend to get lodged in the brackets of traditional metal braces. Thus, eating with Damon braces can actually be easier because your cleaning job is simpler.

There are several different foods that you might want to focus on during your early days with Damon Smile braces. The most important thing to remember is that you need to focus on soft foods and non-chewy foods immediately after you get your Damon braces. Remember to chew carefully and evenly as you start to adjust to your new braces.

As you become comfortable with the braces, consider gradually re-introducing the crunchier and harder foods that you usually enjoy. Most Damon braces patients are able to eat virtually anything that they usually can, as long as caution is used. However, particularly chewy foods, for example taffy, are something that you might want to avoid in general.

Some Damon braces patients tell us that they are successful in eating all the same foods they did prior to braces! Overall, you can expect a very smooth transition into wearing Damon braces, and you will be able to enjoy remarkably fast smile correction at the same time.

If you are curious about Damon braces or if you have specific questions about how they can help you, please feel free to contact Lenz Orthodontics at our Racine or Waterford offices anytime!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this informative post on braces and the difference when using damon braces to improve your dental health. Have a great rest of your day and keep up the posts.
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